
StudySlashWork is a platform where you will find practical guidelines to lighten up your educational or professional plans, such as the application process, university criteria, job hunting, visa sponsoring, and tons of other guidelines that would help you to get settled in your new journey.

The key is to be updated with the latest information and updates coming in on the daily basis. The rule is to be an early bird no matter if you are applying either for a study program or for a work opportunity; therefore, follow our Facebook page StudySlashWork to be updated with daily updates on scholarship deadlines and work openings.

Whether it is study or work; online consultants charge you loads of money and mostly ended up giving you no authentic reasons why they could not get you the admission you wanted or deserved. This is mainly because they do not get transparent with you and hide everything from you from start to end and then at the end, they can call you, “sorry we cannot make it”. Moreover, applying abroad for your study programs (with or without scholarships) or work opportunities (remote or with sponsorship) is not rocket science you need someone else to help for. Therefore, go through the easy-to-understand, and step-by-step guidelines published on StudySlashWork to start your research yourself without any external help. After all, this is one of the first steps you need to master if you want to leave your country for either study or work purposes and that is “Be independent and learn doing things yourself to be strong”.